Yakunina Marina Leonidovna
Khakass State University named after N. F. Katanov
Abstract. The author raises and solves the problem of extralinguistic and linguistic classification of the description of such communicative phenomenon in modern linguistics as nickname, which is a virtual (computer) proper name, conditional or fictional, artistic image that users create for personal communication in the network. Nickname is positioned as a new linguo-cultural phenomenon in onomastics, and it is notable for uniqueness. The merging of different linguo-cultural tendencies in nicknames formation creates onomastic paradox.
Key words and phrases: интернет-коммуникация, никнейм, эффективность общения, лингвокультурное пространство, ономастический парадокс, Internet-communication, nickname, effectiveness of communication, linguo-cultural space, onomastic paradox
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