Pavlova Vera Stepanovna
Trans Baikal State University
Abstract. The author reveals the linguistic and communicative features of the text of outdoor advertising discourse, basing on the results of system analysis concludes that in the system of outdoor advertising discourse text should be considered as an essential element, complex semiotic total, the unity of linguistic and communicative components in their close cooperation and interdependence, and tells that the presented ideas, regulations, conclusions suggest the perspective directions for further study and application of text category in the sphere of specific types of advertising.
Key words and phrases: наружная реклама, дискурс наружной рекламы, рекламный текст, компоненты текста, лингвистические и коммуникативные особенности текста, языковые конструкции, outdoor advertising, outdoor advertising discourse, advertising text, text components, linguistic a
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