Abstract. Rhythmic-syntactic parallelisms in the variant texts of the Yakut olonkho epos "Horse’s Son Hero Dyyrai" by the narrator I. I. Burnashev and "Dyyrai Bergen" by the narrator U. G. Nokhsorov are for the first time typologically analyzed in detail in the article. As a result of the analysis the idea about some parallelisms layer existence, which is not essentially changed at the expiration of the long period of time, is substantiated. It follows that they preserve initial form and content that may appear quite useful while researching olonkho epos genesis.
Key words and phrases: вариант, инвариант, аллитерация, вариантные синонимы, контекстуальные синонимы, антонимическое противопоставление, параллелизм, последовательный параллелизм, полистадиальность, формула имени, генезис, variant, invariant, alliteration, variant synonyms, co
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