Bozhkova Galina Nikolaevna, Nurieva Dinara Rinatovna
Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article considers the originality and literary individuality of the writer with help of the headings analysis of M. A. Osorgin’s small prose. From position of many literature experts a broad interest to the heading problem is observed recently, that is explained by the special heading position relative to the text, its semantic complexity and function variety. The heading analysis is a way of the fast text interpretation topical in modern world.
Key words and phrases: заглавие, новеллистика, именные заголовки, заглавия с обращением к культурным ценностям, реминисценции, заглавия-символы, психологизм, heading, short story study, name headings, headings with address to cultural values, reminiscences, headings-symbols, ps
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