Prokop’eva Aleksandra Egorovna
Institute of the Humanities and the Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article considers the description of the morphological features of one of the unresearched verbal forms of the Yukaghir language Kolyma dialect – participle form =дьэ . The author concludes that the participle with ending =дьэ is formed from the bases of transitive/intransitive and qualitative verbs; has the forms of Present and Past time; is developed from the derivative verbal bases of the type and voice when being a verbal form.
Key words and phrases: юкагирский язык, колымский диалект, причастие, инфинитные формы глагола, причастная форма =дьэ, Yukaghir language, Kolyma dialect, participle, verbal infinitive verb forms, participle form =дьэ
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