Shaulov Sergei Mikhailovich
M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article considers the earliest of the known poems of V. S. Vysotskii "My Oath" (1953), dedicated to the death of Stalin. The formal techniques of his mature poetry on the one hand, and the "emblematic nature" of artistic thought peculiar to him on the other appear through the pattern rhetoric of the era that allows telling about the formation of the most important features of V. S. Vysotskii’s poetics at the earliest stage of his creative life.
Key words and phrases: Высоцкий, сталинизм, эмблема, риторическая природа образа, творческая эволюция, поэтика, Vysotskii, Stalinism, emblem, rhetorical nature of image, creative evolution, poetics
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