Boiko Mikhail Evgen'evich
Humanities Institute of TV & Radio Broadcasting named after M. A. Litovchin
Abstract. The article suggests the generalization of the classical theory of plot developed by the Russian formalists. The idea of ??a quantum (polyvariant) plot as a superposition of classical plots is introduced by the specific literary examples. The problems associated with the diegetic causation and with the diegetic acausal correlation are analyzed. The plot typology is developed, basing on three binary oppositions: linear temporality / loop temporality; causality / acausality; mono-variability / poly-variability.
Key words and phrases: время, квантовая парадигма, нарратив, причинность, синхрония, суперпозиция, сюжет, телеология, темпоральность, фабула, time, quantum paradigm, narrative, causality, synchrony, superposition, subject, teleology, temporality, plot
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