Baluta Anastasiya Anatol'evna
Moscow Region State University
Abstract. The article presents the general description and classification of ancient verbal nouns, suitable for the majority of the languages from the Indo-European and Semitic families. The classification is based on the data of neuro-psycholinguistics and glottogenesis, the comparison with the general history of the Indo-European and Semitic languages is conducted. The features of the origin of verbal nouns-substantives and verbal nouns-adjectives, the formation of the basic forms of derivatives, as well as their evolution in the framework of the common features of the "Eastern" and "Western" directions of these language systems development are considered.
Key words and phrases: глагольные имена, общая классификация, инфинитив, герундий, супин, имя действия, причастие, герундив, отглагольное прилагательное, деепричастие, verbal nouns, general classification, infinitive, gerund, supine, noun of action, participle, gerundive, verba
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