Baluta Anastasiya Anatol'evna
Moscow State Regional University
Abstract. The article covers the impact of brain functional asymmetry on the formation of ancient nouns and synthetically predicate constructions with verbal nouns. The data of laboratory studies on neuro-psycholinguistics in the sphere of brain functional asymmetry are presented, basing on them the participation of the right and left hemispheres in the generation of utterances is determined. The conclusions of these researches are compared with the general history of the development ??of the Indo-European and Semitic languages, as well as the Sumerian language, basing on which the priority of verbal nouns origin in ancient languages is proved.
Key words and phrases: глагольные имена, особенности человеческого мышления, грамматическая организация высказывания, гетерогенность строения языка, verbal nouns, features of human thinking, grammatical organization of utterance, heterogeneity of language structure
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