Marchenko Tat'yana Vladimirovna
North Caucasian Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical issues of translating epithets. Some of the strategies and techniques of translation of attributive word-combinations of different types and the possibility of their extrapolation on the translation of epithets as a particular stylistic device are analyzed. The translation strategy and the ways of the preservation of emotional-figurative and evaluative epithets potential in the English-Russian translation are suggested basing on the principles of communicative adequacy.
Key words and phrases: эпитет, атрибутивное словосочетание, переводческая стратегия, оценочность, прагматика перевода, экстралингвистический контекст, epithet, attributive word-combination, translation strategy, possibility of evaluation, pragmatics of translation, extralinguis
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