Kostyreva Ol'ga Valer'evna
Russian State University named after A. I. Gertsen
Abstract. The article considers the features of creating the image of "mass" man by different leading authors of journal "Satyricon". The similarities and differences of the "mass" characters of A. T. Averchenko, Sasha Chernyi (A. M. Glikberg) and N. A. Teffi are revealed basing on the analysis. It is stated that in contrast to Averchenko and Sasha Chernyi, who sharply denounce "mass" man, Teffi tries to understand the nature of average man, revealing his image inside. It is proved that the story of Teffi "The Humanoids" has special significance for revealing the image of "mass" man, in particular, by other writers of "Satyricon".
Key words and phrases: А. Т. Аверченко, Саша Чёрный, Тэффи, "Сатирикон", "массовый" человек, "лирическая сатира", A. T. Averchenko, Sasha Chernyi, Teffi, "Satyricon", "mass" man, "lyrical satire"
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