Skvirya Veronika Konstantinovna
Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant
Abstract. The author discusses the features of political vocabulary word formation in modern English, considers the following main methods of political vocabulary formation in English: affixal, prefixal, word formation by means of abbreviated words formation, acronyms, word combinations, conversion, borrowings; and tells that the analysis of the dictionaries of new words helps reveal the most frequent models of political vocabulary formation in modern English, namely: conversion, reversion, contamination, affixation, and also the new means of word formation - affixes and the components of compound words (combining forms).
Key words and phrases: общественно-политическая лексика, политическая лексика, англоязычная политическая лексика, аффиксальное словообразование, префиксальное словообразование, сложные и сложносокращенные слова, аббревиатура, конверсия, заимствования, словосочетания, social-pol
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