Kadantseva Galina Ivanovna
North-Caucasian Federal University
Abstract. The author considers the peculiarities of the English borrowed phraseological units and their components functioning in phraseological units in newspaper-journalistic style of the German language, reveals the content of the notion "phraseological Anglicisms in the media", and then describes in detail the ascertainment of the process of borrowed phraseological units assimilation by the German language society taking into account the stylistic stratification of the receiving discourse.
Key words and phrases: заимствованная фразеология в СМИ, фразеологический англицизм, иноязычные вкрапления, фразеологизмы с английскими компонентами в публицистическом стиле, borrowed phraseology in the media, phraseological Anglicism, foreign language inclusions, phraseologica
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