Volodina Dar'ya Nikolaevna
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The author analyzes the concept "Boredom" in M. Rilke’s linguistic personality structure (by the materials of the poet’s poems and letters written in Russian), reconstructs this concept, determines the individual-authorial, Russian national and intercultural meanings in it, pays special attention to the authorial methods of the representation of the concept "Boredom" at linguistic-cognitive level, and reveals the lexical-semantic field and imagery structure of the concept (the methods of reality metaphorization and motive organization).
Key words and phrases: языковая личность, концептосфера, концепт, картина мира, иное национальное сознание, тоска, Р. М. Рильке, linguistic personality, conceptual sphere, concept, picture of the world, other national consciousness, boredom, R. M. Rilke
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