Sharapenkova Natal'ya Gennad'evna
Petrozavodsk State University
Abstract. The author reveals the function of a proper name, its semantic fullness in the latest and not yet sufficiently studied novel by Andrei Belyi "Moscow" (1926-1932), and places an emphasis on the semantics and symbolism of the novel main character’s name, which bears ideological-semantic and thematic meaning. The metamorphosis that occurs with Korobkin is largely hidden in the very name of the character. In particular, this is the way from an armchair scientist to a man, who soared into the Cosmos empyrean and opened the superior "I".
Key words and phrases: имя собственное, мифологическая и символическая функция имени, ономастика, звукообраз, роман "Москва", proper name, mythological and symbolic function of name, onomastics, sound pattern, novel "Moscow"
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