Prokop'eva Aleksandra Egorovna
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The author considers poly-predicative constructions with adverbial participle ending in =(дэ)ллэ of the Kolyma dialect of the Yukagir language in diachronic aspect. Adverbial participle ending in =(дэ)ллэ is involved in the formation of temporal poly-predicative constructions with relations of succession and simultaneity, but the meaning of succession is its main meaning. Adverbial participle ending in =(дэ)ллэ forms poly-predicative constructions with the meaning of reason. Adverbial participle form =(дэ)ллэ is involved in the formation of three-component analytical construction, the first component of which is noun, the second is adverbial participle, the third is verb stem or action noun, and also adverbial participle ending in =(дэ)ллэ is a part of lexicalized constructions, formed according to the model "adverb + adverbial participial form ending in =(дэ)ллэ ".
Key words and phrases: юкагирский язык, колымский диалект, деепричастие, диахрония, полипредикативные конструкции, аналитические конструкции, ukagir language, Kolyma dialect, adverbial participle, diachrony, poly-predicative constructions, analytical constructions
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