Nevzorova Ol'ga Avenirovna, Salimov Farid Ibragimovich, Khakimov Bulat 
Research Institute "Applied Semiotics" of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
Abstract. The authors describe the models and methods of linguistic information representation in the developed Russian-Tatar lexicographical database, which distinctive features are the orientation at text processing computer systems, as well as the profound detailed elaboration and mutual integration of linguistic data, and tell that the created lexicographical base for the first time uses the semantic-grammatical annotations of the Tatar lexemes, formed taking into account the typological features of the Turkic languages, and has the potential to be used in multilingual computer applications.
Key words and phrases: лексикографическая база данных, автоматическая обработка текста, лингвистическая аннотация, грамматика, семантика, поисковый запрос, тюркские языки, lexicographical database, automatic text processing, linguistic annotation, grammar, semantics, retrieval request, Turkic languages
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