D'yachenko Mariya Pavlovna
Moscow City Pedagogical University
Abstract. Basing on the statement about the ever-present code manifestation of a creator’s intention in the text, the author reveals the verbal means of a creator’s modality expression in general, presents the description and analysis results of authorisation phenomenon in the press, which refers to the written text, and demonstrates authorisation phenomenon in the French-language press by the material of three French editions: L'Humanit? , Le Monde and Lib?ration , as well as the verbal means, by which a creator’s presence is revealed in the speech product.
Key words and phrases: медиа-текст, фокализация, образ автора, субъективная модальность, авторская модальность, объективная модальность, media-text, focalization, creator’s image, subjective modality, creator’s modality, objective modality
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