Golikova Anna Anatol'evna
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Abstract. The author considers the image of locus amoenus in "Roman de la Rose" by Guillaume de Lorris, reveals the typical and atypical elements of this locus in "Roman de la Rose", in the course of the analysis singles out two loca amoena – "preliminary" and "basic", mentions that the first of them is marked by reverdy poetics influence, the second interacts with the image of Eden, and basing on the conducted observations concludes that Guillaume de Lorris’s locus amoenus conveys both traditional and new elements, and is influenced by different genres.
Key words and phrases: ландшафт, изображение пространства, реверди, райский сад, "Роман о Розе", Гийом де Лоррис, locus amoenus, landscape, image of space, locus amoenus, reverdy, Eden, "Roman de la Rose", Guillaume de Lorris
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