Butorina Elena Petrovna
Russian State University for the Humanities
Abstract. The author discusses the features of business Internet-discourse in Russian, pays particular attention to the analysis of the differences in the use of the terms and regional variants of the words in the sphere of the purchase, sale and lease of real estate in the texts of different genres that are used in different parts of the communicative space of the Russian-speaking Internet, and considers the revealed features of discursive practices in the context of global language characteristics.
Key words and phrases: Интернет-коммуникация, деловой дискурс, русский язык зарубежья, профессиональный сленг, региональный вариант, глобальный язык, термин, институциональный дискурс, Интернет-лингвистика, Internet-communication, business discourse, Russian language of the abroad, professional slang, regional variant, global language, term, institutional discourse, Internet-linguistics
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