Yusupov Airat Faikovich, Yusupova Nurfiya Marsovna
Kazan' (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The authors reveal the features of Sufism in the medieval Tatar culture by the material of literary works, set the task to recreate the Sufi worldview of the medieval Tatar poetry and to separate the key national-specific features, determine scientific novelty by another approach to the study of the Sufi literature: the authors research the Tatar Sufi poetry against the background of the Sufi worldview models reconstruction, as well as in the broad context of the Oriental literature and philosophy.
Key words and phrases: суфизм, суфийские модели мира, средневековая татарская поэзия, язык суфийских произведений, Sufism, Sufi models of the world, medieval Tatar poetry, language of Sufi works
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