Abstract. The author discusses the features of the realistic direction in the journalistic and literary-critical creative work of the expatriate writer of the third wave A. I. Solzhenitsyn, pays particular attention to the interpretation of traditional realistic genres and techniques in the works of the expatriate Russian author, and analyzes and summarizes the main ideological-thematic conceptions of realism in the journalistic works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn in their opposition to socialist realism that prospered in the Soviet Union.
Key words and phrases: художественная публицистика, русское зарубежье, "третья волна" эмиграции, А. И. Солженицын, реализм, литературная критика, взаимоотношения советских писателей и писателей-эмигрантов, противостояние соцреализму, artistic social and political journalism, Russian abroad, "third wave" of emigration, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, realism, literary criticism, relationships of soviet and expatriate writers, opposition to socialist realism
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