Nachernaya Svetlana Vladimirovna, Glivenkova Ol'ga Anatol'evna
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. The authors tackle the problem of argumentation theory as a scientific discipline within neo-rhetoric; rhetoric, argumentation and logics correlation; argumentative process multi-aspect character and argumentation communicative efficiency, suggest that in a communicative aspect it is also possible to use an addressee's intention to influence a listener's behavior or consciousness with the purpose to change his (her) point of view or to join a dialogue considering argumentation as the way of the motivation of a speaker and a listener's intellectual cognitive activity having a certain subjective value.
Key words and phrases: аргументация, неориторика, логика, риторика, силлогистика, аргументативный процесс, argumentation, neo-rhetoric, logics, rhetoric, syllogistics, argumentative process
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