Abstract. The author discusses the notion discourse and its structure in the framework of classical and modern ideas; classifying the approaches to discourse research, determines the main ways of the consideration of the phenomenon under discussion that allows to provide discourse definition and pays special attention to the fact that discourse is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that is beyond the scope of text or speech that makes it possible to associate discourse with communication participants, context and consciousness.
Key words and phrases: дискурс, текст, речь, коммуникация, социальный контекст, участники коммуникации, структурализм, структура дискурса, микроструктура, макроструктура, метаструктура, гиперструктура, discourse, text, speech, communication, social context, communication participants, structuralism, discourse structure, microstructure, macrostructure, metastructure, hyperstructure
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