Bakova Zera Hachimovna, Badzova Irina Habalovna
Kabardino-Balkaria State University named after H. M. Berbekov Department of Literature and Folklore of Northern Caucasia Peoples
Abstract. In the article the attempt to analyze A. Keshokov's auto-biographic story "View from the white mountain" is undertaken. The idea that this is a kind of a traditional confession of a wise man thinking aloud about the way passed by his people, making excursuses into the folk's cultural memory, into its historical past is emphasized; this is a story of a Man-writer grown wise with experience and that's why having assumed the right for philosophical generalization, for explaining his point of view concerning these or those moments of his folk's life and destiny.
Key words and phrases: автобиографическая повесть, своеобразие произведения, вид с белой горы, жизнь - это восхождение, культурная память народа, первые очаги культуры, воспоминания, auto-biographic story, work originality, view from the white mountain, life as an ascent, folk's cultural memory, the first culture centers, memories
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