Pomogaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna
Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute Department of General Linguistics
Abstract. In the article we consider the notion of syntactic synonyms, the compound sentences with prisubstantial-attributive subbordinate clauses and their synonymical complex sentences. The investigation is based on the study of the semantic forms of thinking by P. V. Chesnokov. By the analysis of these syntactical constructions it is revealed that most compound sentences compose synonymic pairs with the complex ones. The reversibility of the compound sentences with prisubstantial-attributive clauses denoting attributive-assigning relations shows that their transformation to complex sentences is possible only under certain conditions. The reversibility of the compound sentences with prisubstantial-attributive clauses denoting attributive-extended relations shows that the parts of such compound sentences are more independent.
Key words and phrases: синонимия, сложноподчиненные и сложносочиненные предложения, трансформация, сопоставление, синтаксис, семантические формы мышления, synonymy, compound and complex sentences, transformation, comparison, syntax, semantic forms of thinking
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