Abstract. The article analyzes the modern communication means, the opportunities and existing experience of their use in the process of foreign language teaching. The authors pay special attention to the detailed classification of these means taking into consideration educational goals and purposes, and also the types of activity, which these means allow realizing.
Key words and phrases: средства синхронной коммуникации, средства асинхронной коммуникации, технологии киберпространства, преподавание иностранного языка, средства Интернет коммуникации, педагогический чат, блог, подкастинг, вики, форум, аутентичность, совершенствовать навыки и, synchronous communication means, asynchronous communication means, cyber-space technologies, foreign language teaching, Internet-communication means, pedagogical chat, blog, sub-casting, wiki, forum, authenticity, to perfect skills and abilities, didactic
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