Sevryugina E. V.
Russian State Social University Department of Russian Language and Literature
Abstract. In the article the basic laws of functioning of syntactic units in the conditions of modern Russian reality are investigated. It is obvious that now the language undergoes a number of serious changes connected both with the changed socio-cultural situation in the country and with the new criteria of a language personality which have arisen on the given basis. Taking into account that the language always reflects the mentality, modern language personality has such characteristics as the aspiration to simplicity and analytism, randomnesses, spontaneity and orderliness, logicality, polypredicativity, semantic complicatedness and desemantization simultaneously.
Key words and phrases: синтаксические единицы, социокультурная ситуация, языковая личность, ментальность, syntactic units, socio-cultural situation, language personality, mentality
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Grishkovets E. Kak ya s"el sobaku. Tekst predostavlen "Virtual'nym artisticheskim klubom" Vladimira Malyugina (e-mail: artclub@renet.ru).
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