Efremova L. M.
Russian State Social University Department of Russian Language and Literature
Abstract. The article is devoted to Rozhe marten du Gar, a French writer of the XX century, a Nobel winner whose evolution develops from the first works close to the realism of the XIX century to his best novel "The Tibos" connected with the specificity of the so-called Phenomenal realism of the XX century. During the catastrophe of the First World War the life-story of a "lost generation hero develops, the opportunities of a person during tragical ordeals are comprehended in the context of genre structure expansion from the traditional family novel to the philosophical-historical work.
Key words and phrases: Роже мартен дю Гар, реализм XIX в., Феноменальный реализм XX в., герой "потерянного поколения", жанровая структура, семейный роман, философско-историческое произведение, Rozhe marten du Gar, the realism of the XIX century, the Phenomenal realism of the XX century, "lost generation" hero, genre structure, family novel, philosophical-historical work
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