Guseva M. A.
Armavir State Pedagogical University
Abstract. In the center of the problematic of the article is the concept of the language personality as the individual having certain language consciousness and the ability to realize communication in specific social conditions. Speech behaviour of a language personality is influenced by the whole complex of interfering and stipulating social and personal factors. The influence of the factors is different, but each of them is necessary for the construction of the complete picture of the verbal behaviour of a language personality. We believe that a person's gender causing the specific features of the speech behaviour of men and women significantly influences the verbal behaviour of a person. The actual language material allows ascertaining that gender criterion has an intermediate character (neither social, nor personal). Being linguistically relevant it, however, cannot be considered as an absolute marker of men's and women's language.
Key words and phrases: языковая личность, языковое сознание, коммуникативные действия, речевое поведение, гендерная принадлежность, language personality, language consciousness, communicative actions, speech behaviour, gender belonging
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