Abstract. In the article one of the debatable questions of Russian phonetics - phonemic belonging and quality of a vowel in the conjunctions "но", "что" is considered. The task of the research was studying of temporal and perceptive parameters of vowels in these words so that to determine the prevalent tendencies of the realization of these vowels in modern normative speech. On the basis of the received results it is concluded that in most cases in different types of normative Russian speech in the conjunctions "но" and "что" the allophones of the phoneme /о/ of different degrees of stress are realized. From the point of view of the system of Russian unstressed vocalism it means that differential features are characteristic not only for the unstressed allophones of high vowels, but in some cases also for the unstressed allophones of mid vowel /о/.
Key words and phrases: фонемная принадлежность, качество гласного, темпоральные параметры, перцептивные параметры, нормативная речь, союзы, аллофоны, степень ударности, безударный вокализм, гласные верхнего подъема, гласные среднего подъема, phonemic belonging, vowel quality, temporal parameters, perceptive parameters, normative speech, conjunctions, allophones, degree of stress, unstressed vocalism, high vowels, mid vowels
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