Tsoy E. V.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. In the article the opportunity of the inclusion of adverbial synlexes - beyond-word, steady, grammatically separately completed, but semantically integral nominative units - in the structure of the class of adverbs is considered. Adverbial synlexes are the functional analogues of adverbs themselves in the synlex layer of the adverbial fund of the nominative composition of the language: they have the categorial meaning of the attribute of action; as well as adverbs they are characterized by stability; in a sentence they perform the adverbial function and are the compound names of the various circumstances of action. If while defining parts of speech we recognize the parity of functional-semantic attributes, then adverbial synlexes can be included in the structure of adverbs.
Key words and phrases: класс наречий, адвербиальные синлексы, номинативные единицы, обстоятельственная функция, class of adverbs, adverbial synlexes, nominative units, adverbial function
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