Gaus Kseniya Olegovna, Ryabova Marina Yur'evna
Kemerovo State University
Abstract. The article considers the role of media information language in modern communication and the concept "threat" in media discourse as a universal means of speech impact. The construction of the nominative model of the concept "threat" is carried out and the general scenario of the threat is drawn. The authors tell about the features of the verbal representation of the concept "threat" and the purpose of using the speech act of threat in modern political media discourse.
Key words and phrases: медиадискурс, речевой акт, локутивный акт, иллокутивный акт, перлокутивный акт, концепт "threat / угроза", сценарий речевого акта угрозы, вербализация концепта "threat", media discourse, speech act, locutionary act, illocutionary act, perlocutionary act, concept "threat", scenario of speech act of threat, verbalization of concept "threat"
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