Akopyan Anush Vaganovna
Yerevan State University
Abstract. The article examines the properties of binominal and polynomial compound sentences with basic copulative and disjunctive conjunctions и (and) and или (or). The specificity and interrelation of these conjunctions on the basis of Boolean functions of conjunctions and disjunctions are studied for a deeper and more precise definition of the semantic connection of the constituent parts in the linguistic constructions under consideration. The author has revealed that the logical laws of idempotency, commutativity, transitivity and associativity have direct or indirect reflection in the corresponding language utterances.
Key words and phrases: высказывание, конъюнкция, дизъюнкция, идемпотентность, коммутативность, транзитивность, ассоциативность, utterance, conjunction, disjunction, idempotency, commutativity, transitivity, associativity
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