Bortnikov Sergei Valerievich, Gorenkova Galina Alekseevna, Mel'nik Sof'ya Sergeevna
Khakass State University named after N. F. Katanov
Abstract. The article presents the results of studying the sorption properties of a sample of natural (alkaline-earth) and chemically modified bentonite with respect to silver ions. The bentonite mineral of "The Tenth Khutor", located within the territory of the Republic of Khakassia, is studied. As modifiers of bentonites the following substances are used: the ionic compound - sodium carbonate - and representatives of polyfunctional organic substances - thiocarbamide and monoethanolamine. It is shown that all the samples under the study adsorb silver ions. In this case activation of natural bentonite by the modifiers used in the work improves the adsorption properties of the material with respect to silver ions.
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