Abstract. The article examines work at the musical composition from the viewpoint of musical pedagogy and psychology. The paper aims to investigate and analyze pedagogical purposes, recommendations promoting relation between technical (basically motorial) and artistic (imaginative) tasks. The author emphasizes importance of the stage-by-stage approach when working at the musical composition, analyzes methods and purposes promoting realization of the rationality principle in the musician-performer’s actions. The researcher concludes that the stage-by-stage approach is a necessary condition to achieve the purpose when interpreting the composer’s intention.
Key words and phrases: музыкальное произведение, слуховые образы, художественное содержание, слухомоторная память, авторская интонация, артикулирование, исполнительский анализ, музыковедческий анализ, слуховая модель, musical composition, acoustic images, artistic content, auditory-motor memory, author’s intonation, articulation, performer’s analysis, musicological analysis, acoustic model
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