Marinchenko Irina Aleksandrovna
Far Eastern Federal University (Branch) in Ussuriysk
Abstract. The research object of the article is causes, which lead to the reduction of the level of the statement categoricity in perfumery discourse. It is concluded that the basis of this phenomenon is following the rules of communicative cooperation that makes communicants to avoid dogmatic style in expressing their own points of view. The choice of speech strategies and types of speech behavior is determined by the speech subject’s assessment of the addressee’s interests and his/her ability to realize the speaker’s motives. The social-etiquette aspect of speech is based on observing the rules and norms of communication established in this communicative sphere.
Key words and phrases: категоричность, парфюмерный дискурс, принцип вежливости, неконфликтное общение, коммуникативная тактика, коммуникативная сфера общения, categoricity, perfumery discourse, principle of politeness, unconflictive communication, communicative tactics, communicative sphere of contact
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