Gavrilkina Svetlana Viktorovna
Ilmen State Reserve
Abstract. The geothermal method of study in wells is the only direct one among others and is quite promising for climatic investigations. The reliable quantitative estimates of temperature provide a basis of comprehending the contemporary processes of climate change. A lot of researchers excluded the upper parts of wells from consideration. Basing on geothermal data that were received in the deepest well "Ilmen-1" (depth - 2 km) at the eastern slope of the Southern Ural the comparative analysis of the got hydrothermal data on shallow wells in aquiferous layers close to external boundaries is conducted. An attempt to reconstruct the climate change for examining its fluctuations for the last hundred years is made.
Key words and phrases: скважина, гидротермические исследования, палеоклимат, температурные колебания, водоносный горизонт, контур питания, озера, well, hydrothermal studies, palaeo-climate, temperature fluctuations, aquiferous horizon, external boundary, lakes
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