Shestakova Irina Grigor'evna
Saint-Petersburg Mining University
Abstract. Planetary coverage with university education came together with the incredible development of information and communication technologies. Giving a huge impulse to further innovative development, these two factors lead to a tectonic shift in human civilization. Radical changes reflect in the social structure of the modern society: in its economic structure, demographic disasters, in the enormous acceleration of innovative development with accompanying infrastructural transformations, including the nature of labour, the quality of consumption, social relations (gender, race, etc.), as well as global mobility with all its cultural and genetic consequences. Analyzing new reality, the author does not dare to predict the future. With confidence it can be only stated that we expect radical changes, and they will occur in the nearest future.
Key words and phrases: высшее образование, инфокоммуникационные технологии, глобализация, общечеловеческая цивилизация, научно-технический прогресс, ускорение прогресса, инновации, потребление, higher education, information and communication technologies, globalization, universal civilization, scientific and technical progress, acceleration of progress, innovations, consumption
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