Andreev-Tverdov Andrei Igorevich, Borovikov Ivan Fedorovich, Golovacheva Lyudmila Ivanovna
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Abstract. The paper examines the issue of conjugations construction with the given junction point. In this case the task includes two components: the construction of the centre of the conjugation arc and the determination of the conjugation radius. In all cases, the problem with the given initial data has two solutions. The type of conjugation - external, internal, mixed - depends on the reciprocal position of mating geometric elements and their linear dimensions. The proposed method of construction can be extended to other curves of the second order, except the circle, as well as to irregular curves.
Key words and phrases: кривые, окружности, сопряжение, точка сопряжения, радиус сопряжения, дуга сопряжения, плавный переход, curves, circles, conjugation, junction point, conjugation radius, conjugation arc, gradient junction
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