Bondar' Aleksandr Petrovich, Fedorov Il'ya Aleksandrovich, Mokronos Viktoriya Igorevna
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Simferopol
Abstract. The article reveals the main instruments of the policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in relation to the development of mortgage lending, describes current tendencies in the residential mortgage market. The authors carry out the analysis of the state of the subsidization of credit institutions for the compensation of loss of profit on mortgage credits. The paper highlights the problems of mortgage lending and indicates directions for further development in the Russian Federation.
Key words and phrases: жилье, ипотека, ипотечное кредитование, ключевая ставка, средневзвешенная ставка по ипотечным кредитам, жилищный кредит, housing, mortgage, mortgage lending, key rate, weighted average rate on mortgage credit, residential mortgage loan
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