Bondar' Aleksandr Petrovich, Fedorov Il'ya Aleksandrovich, Golubeva Anastasiya Vladimirovna
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Simferopol
Abstract. This paper analyzes the banking market of the Republic of Crimea in the sphere of agriculture crediting, considers the basic credit products for agricultural subjects. Attention is drawn to the state financial support of the agricultural sector of the Crimean region. The authors give recommendations for the improvement of the access of agricultural producers to finance, which will enable to invest in the agriculture of the Republic of Crimea more efficiently.
Key words and phrases: сельскохозяйственное кредитование, сельское хозяйство, Республика Крым, кредитные продукты, государственная поддержка кредитования, agriculture crediting, agriculture, The Republic of Crimea, credit products, state crediting support
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