Shestakova Irina Grigor'evna
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
Abstract. The situation of the breakthrough development of digital technologies that came simultaneously with the total coverage of the population of our planet with higher education makes us rethink many aspects of human existence and, in particular, the sphere of education, the agenda of which includes again a multitude of old issues that have achieved a new meaning. This article focuses on the problem of human capital that has acquired great importance for many developing countries and, in particular, for Russia. Accelerating scientific and technical progress requires newer skills, provides new professions causing a person to join the race for education, the struggle of human capital.
Key words and phrases: инфокоммуникационные технологии, образование, научно-технический прогресс, человеческий капитал, ресурсы, Россия, утечка генофонда, information and communication technologies, education, scientific and technical progress, human capital, resources, Russia, gene pool leakage
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