Bannikov Andrei Valer'evich, Shchegolev Sergei Igorevich
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. During the period of principate a clear command system that had been largely formed in the republican epoch existed in the Roman army. Legates were at the head of the legions, and tribunes were subordinate to them. Every legion had 6 tribunes; the senior of them (the laticlave tribune) belonged to the senatorial class, and the other 5 - to the equestrian one. In the third century noticeable changes took place in the structure of military command: the titles of the legate of the legion and the laticlave tribune disappeared. The place of the legates of the legions was occupied by prefects from the equestrian class.
Key words and phrases: римская армия, легат легиона, латиклавный трибун, ангустиклавный трибун, префект лагеря, центурионы, the Roman army, legate of legion, laticlave tribune, angusticlave tribune, prefect of camp, centurions
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