Bannikov Andrei Valer'evich, Shchegolev Sergei Igorevich
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. In the epoch of the late Empire significant changes took place in the structure of legions command in comparison with the period of principate. A tribune became a commander of the legion; campidoctors were responsible for personnel’s training. However, previous titles such as, for example, a title of the centurion were preserved in the legions as well. In the units of a new type that appeared at the end of the III - the beginning of the IV century the hierarchy of military ranks was different. There existed the titles of ducenarius, centenarius, circitor and so on.
Key words and phrases: Римская армия, легионы, трибун, препозит, центурион, дуценарий, центенарий, декан, the Roman army, legions, tribunus, praepositus, centurion, ducenarius, centenarius, decanus
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