Balatsenko Natal'ya Sergeevna
Kuban State University (Branch) in Slavyansk-on-Kuban
Abstract. In the article the analysis of the discourse "Recruiting Ceremony" of the sub-corpus "Ceremonial Culture of Kuban" of the corpus of the dialect culture of Kuban is presented with the use of folklore materials collected during ethno-linguistic expeditions. The content of the recruiting ceremony and the way of the representation of the recruit’s liminal status are revealed. The fragments of the folklore texts of the informants with the preservation of the Kuban patois are given. The research is conducted in order to specify the thematic discourse marking to place it in the electronic corpus of Kuban dialect culture.
Key words and phrases: Электронный корпус диалектной культуры Кубани, дискурс, рекрутский обряд, лиминальный статус, фольклорные материалы, electronic corpus of Kuban dialect culture, discourse, recruiting ceremony, liminal status, folklore materials
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