Pinkovskii Vitalii Ivanovich
North-East State University in Magadan
Abstract. The article presents reasons for the wide spread of didactic descriptive poetry in France during the period of the Consulate and the First Empire as well as considers J. Delile’s attempt to renew the genre of descriptive poem through the introduction of new objects of description capable of expanding the sensitivity range of the readers. The author analyzes the methods used by the poet in "French Georgics" and explains reasons for the relative failure of the experience realized by J. Delile.
Key words and phrases: французская поэзия эпохи Консульства и Первой империи, дидактическая поэзия, жанр дескриптивной поэмы, описательность как важнейший приём репрезентации нового художественного объекта, "чувствительные описания", French poetry of the epoch of the Consulate and the First Empire, didactic poetry, genre of descriptive poem, descriptiveness as the most important means of a new artistic object representation, "sensitive descriptions"
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