Nikulushkin Konstantin Vladimirovich, Winston Emily
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
I. E. Repin St.-Petersburg State Academic Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
Abstract. The article by the example of I. I. Firsov’s creative work analyzes the conceptuality of everyday genre in the Russian painting of the second half of the XVIII century. The painter’s biography represents the general national tendency of the epoch of Enlightenment establishing the West European vector in every creative destiny involved in the development of national culture. I. I. Firsov was one of the first Russian painters, who discovered "everyday painting" in the artistic space of national art. The esthetics of everyday genre presupposes the explication of artistic expressiveness and distinctive originality in the cultural paradigm of the nation. The study is carried out on the basis of the philosophical and hermeneutic method.
Key words and phrases: творческое пространство, русская живопись, духовная сущность, бытовой жанр, эстетическая система, канон эпохи, гносеологический потенциал, creative space, Russian painting, spiritual essence, everyday genre, esthetic system, canon of epoch, gnoseological potential
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