Nietbaitegi Kazyna Abenovna, Darkulova Kulyash Nuradinovna, Ibraeva Lyazzat Bostanovna
International Humanities and Technical University in Shymkent, The Republic of Kazakhstan
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University in Shymkent, The Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract. The article considers the expansion of the word semantics in the process of the transition of the appellative into the proper name by the example of Kazakh anthroponomy. In this regard special attention is paid to the semantic structure of the word, and to the issue of its peripheral meaning actualization in the sphere of onyms. The authors substantiate the idea that the development of the word potential semantics is associated with the motivation of the anthroponym based on the national worldview.
Key words and phrases: антропонимия, онимизация, апеллятив, семантическая структура слова, мотивация, ономастическая семантика, метафоризация, anthroponomy, onymization, appellative, semantic structure of word, motivation, onomastic semantics, metaphorization
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