Abstract. The article considers the formation of the composer Sergei Slonimsky’s individual manner by the material of vocal creativity. Among his vocal experiments an important place is occupied by the works associated with the poetry of the Russian Silver Age, as well as by the experimental cycles "The Polish Stanzas" and "The Lyrical Stanzas", "Funny Songs" and "Troubadours’ Songs". The works based on ancient oriental poetic texts formed a special line of early Slonimsky’s vocal creativity. The most important peculiarities of Slonimsky’s early vocal creativity are the search for non-standard artistic solutions and the use of non-traditional techniques in singing and instrumental performance.
Key words and phrases: Сергей Слонимский, становление индивидуальной манеры, раннее вокальное творчество, нестандартность художественных решений, нетрадиционные приёмы, Sergei Slonimsky, individual manner formation, early vocal creativity, originality of artistic solutions, unconventional techniques